On the wagging of dogs

This morning I came across a Defense Department memo on the Iraqi election (issued before the fact), posted by an apparent Democrat on a bulletin board at work. A note compared the memo to the spin in the movie Wag the Dog.

Personally, I didn't see his point; the memo was admittedly about "spin," but in most essentials it was hard to characterize as other than strictly factual. Now, the media's coverage of the Iraqi election is another matter. Many dogs have been, and are being, well and truly wagged there.

Arthur Chenreknoff- quoted by Rob, at Beggars All- makes the point quite well. Somehow, it seems that the media missed the whole point of the Iraqi election- and of the failed attempt by the Islamofascists to prevent or even seriously impede it.

Scrappleface has the headline exactly right: Iraqi Voting Disrupts News Reports of Bombings.
