"Ia! Ia! Pontifex Benedictus fhtagn!"

An excellent- and hilarious- example of the importance of the doctrine of the Two Kingdoms at a good Catholic blog.

Its theological import- unlike the humor- is unintentional.

I hadn't realized that a majority of the justices on the U.S. Supreme Court are now Roman Catholic. But as I commented, would that we had four more Catholics like Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito on the Court!

The blog's author jokingly asked why I'm willing to trust Holy Mother Church with the Supreme Court, but not with my soul. I replied that it's because I'm consistent, being a strict constructionist when it comes to the Faith, as well as when it comes to the Constitution!

Three cheers for Original Intent!

ADDENDUM: Just noticed that post's linkage of the word 'Protestantism' to that old favorite of anti-Lutheran cheap-shot artists, "On the Jews and their Lies." This, of course, is neither particularly funny nor particularly fair, being the misrepresentation of the ravings of a crazy old man as characteristic of his views; the observation to the contrary in the introduction to that obscenity on the page in question fails to distinguish adequately- as does Roland Bainton in writing about the same tract- between racial anti-Semitism and theological anti-Judaism (though it does make a gesture in that direction toward the very end). At the very least, the document which represents Luther's characteristic attitude toward the Jews as a race-"That Jesus Christ was Born a Jew-" needs to be mentioned whenever that other grotesque aberration is referred to. To do otherwise borders on false witness.

In any event, I'll make Dan over TDAXP at a deal: if he'll refrain from implicitly equating Luther, much less Lutheranism or Protestantism, with "On the Jews and their Lies," I'll refrain from linking future references to the Papacy to, say, articles on Pope Alexander VI, or references to the Catholic church to at least the more lurid passages in Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

ADDENDUM II: I went over to Dan's blog made the above remarks on the post in question- and he agrees.


solarblogger said…
When Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito speak ex cathedra, is it true that they cannot err?
Well, it's very unlikely. Except on matters of the Faith.
CPA said…
Speaking of Jews, their "most Catholic majesties" of Spain weren't exactly winning any prizes for ecumenism in 1492.
Well, strictly speaking, neither the moribund Luther's ravings about the Jews nor their Most Catholic Majesties ouster of the Muslims is a matter of ecumenism, since neither Jews nor Muslims are a part of the oikumene.
Anonymous said…
I love Foxes Book of Martyrs, it impacted me deeply.

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