Dueling Luthers

Several of the brethren have posted the first You Tube presentation below of Luther's "Here I Stand" speech at Worms- the one from the 2003 Joseph Fiennes version- on their blogs or on Facebook in honor of yesterday's observance of Reformation Day. I've included it here. But below that is the same scene from the classic 1953 movie starring Nial McGinnis- the one all of us at Grace Lutheran School (and Lutheran parochial schools all over America) sat through year after year after year every October.

At times McGinnis's acting is a bit over the top. But on the whole, I think he captures the personality of Luther better. I remember the older movie with fondness, despite the number of times I was compelled to sit through it. In some ways, it was better than the newer version.

Jonathan Pryce- Juan Peron to Madonna's Evita- also played Luther in a 1983 TV film called Martin Luther: Heretic. Unfortunately, his portrayal of the Great Reformer doesn't seem to be on You Tube anywhere. His is a somewhat Fiennes- style Luther that would have been nice to include simply for comparison.

Anyway, here they stand:

ADDENDUM: I've always thought that somebody ought to make a movie about the older Luther, if only to provide an opportunity for Brian Blessed to play the role.
