
The Rev. Joseph Lowrey and former president Jimmy Carter disgraced themselves at Coretta Scott King's funeral today.

It was bad enough for Lowrey to turn the funeral of a woman whose husband sought to unite Americans into an opportunity to divide them, and to humiliate the President of the United States for political reasons. It was bad enough for a man preaching at the funeral of the widow of someone whose life was about ending irrational hate to use the opportunity to promote it. But for a man who has actually led this nation to use such a moment to undercut his successor even concerning an issue he feels strongly about is simply pathetic.

There would have been a time for such remarks by both these men, as bizarre as Lowrey's in particular were. But today wasn't it.

I continue to marvel that I was for so long an admirer and supporter of that small, irresponsible man, Jimmy Carter. And I wish that I could take two trips backward in time- one to change my vote to Gerald Ford in 1976, and the other to change it to Ronald Reagan in 1980.

And for rapper Kaye West to utter the loathsome, hate-filled lie that Mr. Bush hates African- Americans was beneath contempt. Ms. West is a hater. Mr. Bush is not.

HT: Drudge


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