
Showing posts from December, 2019

This is what I've been trying to get across all along

2020 really WILL be the most important election of our lifetime

Yeah, people lie about Trump, too

Hey, Tovarisch Trump!

Donald Fredovich and his Senate apparatchiks are overplaying a weak hand

If we really want civility in politics, we have to insist on it

GOP senators promise to sit as biased jurors in a rigged trial. How is this not a bad thing?

We are all Romanians now: how lies have become indistinguishable from facts in America

Oh, Well, in THAT case...

Trump in a nutshell

CHRISTIANITY TODAY 'gets religion' about Trump

Impeachment: It was inevitable and necessary, even though it will fail in the Senate

There isn't going to be a "post-Trump era" for the Republican Party

The jaw drops: Russian state media declare Donald Trump to be "our agent."

The best argument for legal abortion is a lie

Is atheism only a contributor to mental illness, or a form of it?