About that Afghani apostasy case...

That didn't take long!

The prosecutor in the case of the Afghani facing capital charges for having converted from Islam to Christianity is apparently on the point dropping the charges.

"We think he could be mad. He is not a normal person. He doesn't talk like a normal person," says prosecutor Sarinwal Zamari. "Doctors must examine him. If he is mentally ill, Islam has no claim to punish him. He must be forgiven and the case dropped.""

Kind of a clever way for the Barzai regime to satisfy the rabid Muslims without letting them have their way. Wouldn't be a bit surprised if it became the official policy of the regime that any Muslim converting to Christianity is ipso facto insane, and therefore immune from prosecution!

Not an ideal solution to an obscene situation, of course. We'll have to watch carefully to see whether the defendant is released (which, regrettably, might be dangerous for him, in that society), or institutionalized for a while, or what. Emigration might be the ideal solution, if there is any danger that his identity is widely known in Afghanistan. And nascent Islamic democracies emerging from such primitive social conditions will have to be carefully watched. The transformation from pre-feudal tribalism to the modern world cannot possibly proceed without an extremely awkward period of transition.

Yes, this solution is unpleasant- and unjust. But it's the price of trying to transform these societies that existing social mores have to be dealt with as gingerly as possible, precisely for the sake of changing them. And again, the more such regimes rely on the United States for support, the less the absurdities and outrages inherent in Sharia will be likely to be actually carried out- especially as regards converts to Christianity.


Anonymous said…
I thought of emigration as well, though ideally the guy ought to be free to live in his own country.
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