The legal lynching of Atefah Sahaaleh

Below is a YouTube presentation of the documentary described here by its maker, Monica Garnsey. It provides details about the execution of a 16 year-old rape victim two years ago by the creeps who run Iran.

It was for her "confession" under torture of having been raped- apparently repeatedly, and over a lengthly period of time- by a former Revolutionary Guard named Ali Darabi (as well as for having "a sharp tongue") that she was hanged. Parenthetically, to clarify a matter about which Garnsey seems a bit confused, consensual sex by an unmarried person with a married partner would, in fact, have been "adultery." But rape is obviously a different matter.

According to court documents, Atefah had been convicted of "crimes against chastity" three times before- for being in a cafe that the authorities didn't approve of, for being at a party that was a little too wild for their tastes, and for having been caught alone in a car with a boy- her cousin. Apparently it is not at all uncommon for young people in Iran to be accosted and even arrested by the "Moral Police" for such innocent crimes against "chastity!"

Apparently the Iranian Supreme Court was falsely told that Atefah was 22, rather than 16. The "Moral Policemen" who appear to have engineered Atefah's arrest were themselves arrested shortly after her execution for running a child prostitution ring.

Atefah's rapist, Ali Darabi, got off with 95 lashes.

Anyway, here is the documentary:


dlynnt said…
It is April 22, 2008 and I just watched a show about what happened to Atefah. It is quite clear to me why her whole court process was hurried up the way that it was.
The 2 Moral Police that was arrested AFTER her death more than likely was the ones that assulted her one, or all of the three times that she was arrested and they was worried that she might turn them in for what they was doing to her while she was in prison, so they had to shut her up and fast! I am also sure that they knew how old she was since they had arrested her before, and due to the fact that they was running a child prostitution ring is more proof that they knew her true age. That is why it is called CHILD prostitution!
If they can stone, lash, and hang girls in the public square for all to see then those two guards AND the 51 yr. old man should be castrated in the public square for what they did as well as receiving at least 200 to 500 lashes each!! Even that wouldn't be enough justice. At least they can't escape God's justice, sooner or later they will pay for what they did to that young girl and all of the others that the world never hears about.
Someone needs to remind the people of Iran about what Jesus says in the Bible. In John 8:7 it is talking about a woman that was caught commiting adultery, here is what that verse says. "He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." Even if you don't believe in God or the Bible that is a GREAT verse to live by!