Mark Kennedy: truthteller

Mike Allen of Time reports, among other things, on a remarkable ad for Minnesota Republican Senate candidate Mark Kennedy which in itself is sufficient reason to elect him.

The man tells the truth:

None of us like war. And we've made some mistakes in Iraq. We are facing an enemy that must be defeated. Leaving Iraq now will create a breeding ground for new attacks on America. That's the harsh reality. My opponent says the answer is diplomacy, but you can't negotiate with people who want to kill you. I'm Mark Kennedy; securing the peace is a lot harder than wishing for it; I approve this message even though I know it may not be what you want to hear.

Quite a contrast to the irresponsible Democrats who either can't or won't recognize what a blow to our security and what a boost to the cause of militant Islamic fanaticism our abrupt withdrawal from Iraq- or even the setting of a public deadline, enabling the terrorists to wait us out- would be. To say nothing of the bloodbath that would follow, one which would make Kosovo look like a picnic, and the world yearn for the status quo.

What Kennedy says may not be what the American people want to hear. But it's the truth- and those who say otherwise are tragically deluded.

I guess this Senate race- and many other races next Tuesday- will come down to whether the American people are telling the truth when they say that they want elected officials who will tell it to them.
