I'll take that embryo without pickles and lettuce.

British MP's have approved the production of half-human, half-bovine embryos for research purposes.

There's a great deal of potential for humor here. The trouble is that the subject matter just isn't funny. The creation of half-human hybrids even in the embryonic stage is something grotesque enough that whether or not it shocks somebody might well be seen as a test of just how deeply that person's conscience is seared.

Or at least how badly his or her moral sensibilities have been ravaged by the ethical insanity of an age which considers species diversity- as important as it is- as being of greater importance than the ethical status of the human creature as something separate and distinct from the rest of creation.

Call it the image of God, or sentience, or what have you: he who truly fails to distinguish strictly between human beings and animals rarely ends up treating animals like human beings.

She usually ends up treating human beings like animals.

The implications of this are staggering. Hugh Hefner must certainly feel vindicated by the news. How can our feminist friends on the social Left complain about women being treated as sex objects if they applaud when British scientists turn women-in-the-making into half-breed hamburgers?

Oh. I forgot. Of course. Killing even female embryos for the sake of convenience is something which, for them, is not only not an abomination, but a sacred right.
