Newsweek's Litwick would force pro-life pharamacists and others to assist with abortions

The Bush administration has instituted a rule- subject to repeal by President-elect Obama, once he takes office- guaranteeing pharmacists and others on the fringes of the health care profession the right to refuse to prescribe or administer drugs and treatments which violate their religious beliefs.

Doctors and nurses are guaranteed their freedom of conscience when it comes to performing or facilitating abortions by Federal lwaw.

Note that the rule would not prevent a woman who wanted the "morning after pill" from getting it. It would merely require that she get it from someone whose religious beliefs did not prevent him or her from giving it to her in good conscience.

Sounds to me like nothing more or less than the First Amendment in action. But incredibly, there are people who have a problem with it.

HT: Real Clear Politics
