One thing drives me nuts about Blog*Spot

Those Blog*Spot ads are hard to take at times. It's a bit disconcerting for a blog strongly supporting President Bush to have ads for John Kerry's campaign, John Kerry tee-shirts, and Democrat dating services as the first thing a visitor sees- or as something one has to put up with while simply looking at one's own blog!

I've been browsing some other Lutheran blogs here at Blog*Spot tonight, most of them more centered on theology than this one has been lately. The same thing happens there. It has to be rough to be a confessional Lutheran pastor whose blog is headed with ads for The Prayer of Jabez or some book on "the rapture" or some dubiously biblical Pentecostal book about the alleged ways of the Holy Spirit.

I know from bitter experience that I need a "Blog This!" type of bookmarklet to do much of a job with a blog; it just facilitates the whole process. Blog*Spot, like Blog Studio (which doesn't have ads) offers this- and is free, to boot. There aren't many blogging services that offer these things at all, much less cheaply- and surprisingly few that even allow unlimited links.

But, oh! Those ADS!!!
