Shouldn't they call it "PARTISANSHIP Central?"

Comedy Central, whose Jon Stewart barely contained his ill-informed contempt for President Bush four years ago, must smell blood in the water. It's broadcasting its legitimately contemptible That's My Bush again.

For those of you lucky enough to miss it originally, it's a "comedy" set in the White House with a Bush lookalike in the lead role. Various other actors and actresses portray Laura, Karl Rove, etc. The "humor" comes from ridiculous stunts, sight-gags, and broad humor around the theme of the President's alleged stupidity. It's essentially an acting out of the delusions of the Left about a guy who in fact got into Yale with an SAT over 2000 before graduating and then going on to earn an MBA from Harvard.

The disrespect for the office is bad enough, but how does this not qualify as requiring equal time? After all, if we aren't officially in the midst of a Presidential campaign yet, we will be soon.

Can you imagine a Comedy Central show based even on the actual failings of a Democratic President- for example, a Clinton lookalike starring in a show called That's My Zipper?

I can't, either. And it's probably just as well. While more legitimate on one level, because less of an overtly partisan slam (it would be based on truth, after all), it wouldn't be funny either- and it would be just as disrespectful of the office.
