Terrorists are NOT covered by the Geneva Conventions!

Without even slightly softening our condemnation of the crimes committed by American troops at Abu Ghraib, two lies that Democrats, Leftists, and even such groups as Amnesty International have been spreading far and wide of late need to be put to rest: that illegal combatants imprisoned in Iraq, in Afghanistan, and at Guantanamo Bay are protected by the Geneva Conventions, and that they have the right, under international law, to be treated as if they were legitimate soldiers fighting in the uniform of their country.

They are not, and they should not. And that- as this article convincingly argues- is exactly as it should be.

This is not to justify abuse of those who, under international law, are not prisoners of war, but rather illegal combatants. It is rather to insist on the distinction between soldiers (even those fighting for unjust causes), and mere criminals- a distinction which the opponents of the Bush Administration find it convenient to ignore or even to deny.
