A disclaimer

I want to make it clear, incidentally, that I thoroughly reject the Donatistic commentary found on the page with the pictures referred to in the previous post. Even eucharistic piety can be carried too far if it goes farther than Christ does. And naturally, I would charge the author of that page with errors as serious as he attributes to others in his sacramental theology (in fact, I think I just did!)- as well, no doubt, as in other areas.

In any event, the hands of priests, too, handle mundane objects; the hands of the laity, no less than the clergy, are made holy by their common baptism- and the tongues of both are normally housed in the human mouth, not the cleanest of tabernacles even among those who brush twice a day, and floss regularly.

Still, nowhere is it recorded that our Lord Jesus Christ, on the night on which he was betrayed, took an oatmeal-raisin cookie...
