P.J. O'Rourke on the War on Terror

P.J. O'Rourke- plugging his new book (misleadingly entitled America's Fun New Imperialism) on Fox News- tells of being held at gunpoint by a screaming Hezbollah teenager somewhere in the Middle East years ago who went on and on about the evils of the Great Satan, the United States- before finishing by saying, "...and as soon as I get my green card, I'm going to Dearborn, Michigan to study dentistry."

O'Rourke also suggests that France is "the butt end of the moral compass," reliably keeping us informed- whether it be by collaboration with the Nazis, accomodationism with the Communists, or wishy-washiness in the War on Terror- of what the morally correct posture would be for us to take.

All we have to do to be certain of being in the right is to carefully study what the French do- and do the exact opposite.
