'Captain Chutzpah' strikes again!

It seems that M. Kerry is accusing President Bush of hiding behind independent groups, whom he conspires to have do his "dirty work" for him.

How droll. I've often thought that if Kerry were a superhero, his name would be Captain Chutzpah. Chutzpah, for the uninitiated, is a Yiddish term classically defined as that quality exhibited by a man who murders both of his parents, and then pleads for mercy on the ground that he is an orphan.

Thus it is that Kerry- nominee of the party that made such a big deal of "campaign finance reform," but who is evading McCain-Feingold by letting George Soros, MoveOn PAC, and other unregulated and quasi-legal groups take on the financial burden of much of his campaign- has the gall to accuse President Bush of hiding behind third-party groups!

This is the same guy whose party has participated in a four-year binge of slander, personal attacks, and character assassination against Mr. Bush unparalleled in our nation's history, in which Kerry himself has been and remains a gleeful participant; for whom, according to the polls, only 42% of his supporters are voting (more than half are not voting for for Kerry, but against Bush)- but who accuses Bush of running "the most negative campaign in history!"

John Kerry. You know the guy. The guy who, the other day, condemned the slanderous MoveOn PAC video repeating the slanders about President Bush having been AWOL during his national guard service despite several fellow Guardsmen having come forward months ago to share their memories of having served with Mr. Bush in Alabama during the period in question- but who himself has been repeating that lie, knowing it to be a lie, ever since the former Guardsmen came forward, and who has not a word of criticism for DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe, who is still repeating it!

You can pretty much depend on Kerry to accuse Mr. Bush of pretty much anything of which he- Kerry- is himself guilty. But my favorite line of all was his high-sounding statement condemning the MoveOn slander to the effect that, "This should be a campaign of ideas, rather than of insults."

Talk about chutzpah! Sen. Kerry, if this were such a campaign, you and your supporters would have literally nothing to say!
