He can't help himself!

It seems that John Kerry just can't help himself.

Perhaps the surest sign that the Kerry campaign is coming unraveled is that the candidate- already perceived as an inconsistent, fickle flip-flopper, now claims that the war in Iraq was "the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Trouble is, a week ago he said that if he had it to do over again, knowing what he knows now, he'd vote to authorize the use of force in Iraq all over again.

Kerry wants to have it both ways. It's long since become a pattern, sort of like Al Gore's self-aggrandizing exaggerations four years ago. But it only reinforces Kerry's image as a wishy-washy vacillator- and this at the very point in the campaign where he can't afford to add to a growing perception that he's a political lightweight who simply doesn't stack up very well as a leader next to President Bush.

Kerry is playing directly into Bush's hands. President Bush is taking swift advantage. And the nastier Kerry becomes in the closing weeks of this campaign, the greater the inclination most people are going to have to simply write him off.
