John Kerry: The breakfast candidate?

Will President Bush have John Kerry for breakfast? Kerry, after all, is in a real jam right now, poll-wise. He's been all about waffles for almost a year now- and after this Republican convention, he may well be toast!

Certainly if Kerry's planned response tonight is any indication, toast is exactly what he is. About half an hour from the time I'm writing this- midnight Eastern Time, just before the Five Minutes' Hate- the Senator from France will reportedly give a speech in Springfield, Ohio in which he will totally ignore what was actually said Thursday night, and accuse Vice-President Dick Cheney of calling him- Kerry- "unfit to be Commander-in-Chief." In fact, Cheney never used the word "unfit-" though Democrats have been ascribing it to him all day.

Kerry will also reportedly take a step further, and imply that it was in the area of patriotism that Cheney and Sen. Zell Miller (D-Ga) found the Democratic nominee...well, wanting. In fact, neither did any such thing. Miller even specifically said that it was Kerry's judgment, and not his patriotism, that he was challenging. Cheney also went out of his way to make it clear that it was Kerry's judgment, and not Kerry's patriotism, that he was calling into question. It's one thing to lie about what your opponents say about you; it's another to do so when the very statement you're responding to specifically rejected the change you claim was its point!

But Kerry is not in the habit of letting the truth stand in his way when it comes to whining about being held to account for his own record. And it's par for the course that the whining is about a complete distortion of something his opponents said or did, not only blown out of proportion but completely misrepresented.

Kerry will go on to suggest that somehow five deferrments makes Dick Cheney more unfit than Kerry's own twenty-year record of recklessly and irresponsibly undermining our national security with his votes in the Senate.

Kerry is desperate. He has become the issue in this campaign- and when the challenger is the issue, the incumbent wins. He's desperate to make President Bush the issue again, but this kind of reckless and obvious fabrication is only going to make Kerry more the issue than ever.

Would you like your eggs scrambled or over easy with your Kerry and jam, Mr. President?
