Round Two: a draw

A frustrating debate tonight.

Kerry keeps repeating this nonsense about how President Bush rushed into Iraq over the course of the twelve years and seventeen seperate UN resolutions that preceeded the invasion. No allusion to the broken French promise to support our resolution to go to war, but lots of utter nonsense about how he- Kerry-would supposedly talk "our allies" into joining us in such endeavors.

As if the French and the Germans would give him any diferent response than they've given Mr. Bush. And our allies are the countries which are already fighting by our side in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Having learned nothing from the umbrage the Polish government took earlier this week at Kerry's dismissal of their efforts, Kerry insulted the nations fighting by our side once again by the same implication. Glad to see the President call him on it.

Dubyah, regrettably, is no debater. Toward the end of the evening I thought he was effectively answering Thurston Howell III', Kerrys' bilge, but on the whole the Senator from France once again did a better job of defending the indefensible than the President did of responding. Stll, Dubyah was in his element tonight, and he certainly came off better than last time.

On the whole, I'd say tonight was a wash, and unlikely to much affect the dynamics of the race either way.
