Wit and Wisdom

Collected wit and wisdom on the election....

"No, it turns out Saddam Hussein didn't have weapons of mass destruction. And how crazy does that make Saddam? All he had to do was tell Hans Blix, 'Look anywhere you want. Look under the bed. Look beneath the couch. Look behind the toilet tank in the third presidential palace on the left, but keep your mitts off my copies of Maxim.' And Saddam could have gone on dictatoring away until Donald Rumsfeld gets elected head of the World Council of Churches. But no..." --P.J. O'Rourke

"You get the sense that if George W. Bush said it was sunny, John Kerry would rise in indignation to speak about how a 10 percent possibility of light rain proves that George W. Bush has not been honest with the American people." --John Podhoretz

"John Kerry's problem is that he can make a cigar store Indian look like he's overacting." --Argus Hamilton

"While the people of Afghanistan are celebrating their first democratic election and the Iraqis are taking their first steps to democracy, the great thinkers in the Democrat Party are still polishing up their conspiracy theories about the war to liberate Iraq. There's no consensus position, but the Democrats are pretty sure the real reason we went to Iraq was one of the following: Bush family's connections to the Saudis; Halliburton; the Carlyle Group; something about the Texas Rangers needing more left-handed pitching; the neoconservatives; the Straussians; oil; the Jews; oily Jews." --Ann Coulter
