Yepsen chimes in

David Yepsen is the political editor of the Des Moines Register, which advertises itself as "Iowa's Best Read Newspaper." Its editorial policy is such that many question whether the third word in that slogan might not better be spelled "Red."

Well, OK. That's an old joke, besides being Joe McCarthy/Al Gore-style " over-the-top." But the Register is, by any criterion, one of the most extreme Left-wing major newspapers in America- though it's worth mentioning that by most criteria it's generally also regarded as one of the best, copping more than its share of Pulitzers and other awards on a regular basis.

Nevertheless, when the Register's political editor has this to say about Democrats and their performance in Iowa, the party which once told us that we have nothing to fear but fear itself but now has nothing to offer but fear itself (seasoned with pathetically hysterical rhetoric and routine character assassination) would do well to pay attention.

Dudes, you just lost Iowa!
