The big day has arrived!

Saturn's largest moon- has always been an object of mystery. Swathed in orange clouds rich in methane, the only moon in the Solar System with an atmosphere has always tantalized astronomers. What lies beneath those orange clouds?

Scientists speculate that beneath the orange shroud may exist a twin of primordial Earth; that in the distant future, when the Sun is a red giant and has swallowed the inner Solar System, Titan may become- however briefly- the abode of life.

There has been speculation that Titan may harbor oceans of pure petroleum. Certainly beneath the orange shroud of this celestial enigma is enough mystery to make anybody with a spark of curiosity in his or her makeup wonder.

Well, we need wonder no longer. NASA's Cassini probe has launched the European Space Agency's Huygens lander in its long-awaited parachuted decent to the surface of the mysterious moon.

Stay tuned. I will. And I'll try to remind myself to breathe once in a while.
