That's about the size of it

GOPBloggers has gone ahead and said it. It's concluded that "Terri Schiavo was injured by her ex-husband, likely in a murder attempt, and since that time Michael Schiavo has directed his efforts towards finishing the job and eliminating the evidence of his crime."

The entry continues:
I can think of no other reason for his being unwilling to accord his ex-in laws the mercy of being allowed to bury their daughter according to the rites of her faith. Michael Schiavo has moved on; he has a new wife and two children by her. Whatever meaning the remains of his first wife might have had to him, that meaning is long since supplanted by new relationships and a new life for Michael Schiavo.

Michael is still technically married to Terri, and the woman he is living with and who has borne him those two children is not his wife- yet. But I, too, can think of no other reason for Michael's attitude. And I am nothing less than stunned that the Feminist community, as well as the media, have remained silent about Terri's suspicious injuries, Michael's pattern of singularly uncaring behavior- and now neatly it all ties in with his desire that Terri be dead and her body put beyond examination as quickly as possible.
