Incredible hypocrisy

I've just gotten a remarkable piece of (obviously) unsolicited e-mail calling upon me to contact my senators in an attempt to preserve that bastion of democracy, the filibuster, said to be essential to "protecting the rights of the minority against the majority."

Which is, of course, ridiculous. Its function has always been, in practice, to enable a fanatical, extremist minority to frustrate the will of the majority. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington aside, the chief use of the filibuster over the years has been to prevent the enactment of civil rights legislation, and its elimination has been a key item on the liberal agenda for a century.

Until now.

The hypocrisy of the extreme Left in seeking to prevent the President and Senate of the United States from restoring the Constitutional separation of powers by installing qualilfied judges who will fulfill their Constitutional roles, rather than usurping the role of Congress and legislating from the bench, is astounding.

The filibuster must go!
