Tutu disapproves of Benedict XVI and disagrees with Jesus

As is apparent, I have lots of theological disagreements with Pope Benedict, many of which go directly to the heart of the Faith. I believe that many of his errors and those of the church he governs are deadly, from a spiritual point of view. Nevertheless, I honor him as an ally in the war against relativism and against what his predecessor called "the culture of death," and as an advocate for the increasingly unpopular practice of personal morality. I and many other confessional Lutherans said exactly the same thing about his precessor, John Paul II.

Benedict has long been an outspoken champion of the cause of decency. And if he has been possibly the most prominent single defender of traditional Roman Catholic theology in recent years (such was his job, after all), even in his defense of what I believe to be a disasterously flawed belief system he has displayed an intellectual and moral integrity which I can only admire.

Former Anglican bishop, outspoken heretic, and arch- relativist Desmond Tutu disagrees. He is disappointed in the identity of the new Pope, says that he wouldn't have voted for him, and contradicts Jesus's explicit claim to be "the Way, the Truth, and the Life," the only way in which human beings come to the Father.

To paraphrase Tutu's fellow Anglican, Clive Staples Lewis, if the Christian Church ever regains its unity, it will be because of men like Pope Benedict, who insist on confronting our differences with courage and integrity, rather than because of men like Tutu, who are ready to sell out the heart and core of Christianity for the sake of a bowl of politically correct pottage.

Hat tip to Bunny Diehl.


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