
Theresa Kiihn of Be Strong in the Grace says this awesome thing in praise of two other Lutheran bloggers:

The confessional Lutheran church taught me this: When the Word is invoked, Christ is truly present. We have more than a symbol of Christ, we have Him in truth. Until very recently in my faith life, I never fully understood the power of God. His power has literally silenced me. I am finally safe resting in His arms. I no longer try to help or manipulate God by my actions. The day I stopped 'trying' to be a good Christian, He started to work through me. I have seen seven family members come to Christ in less than two years, after twenty years of my pathetic attempts to 'be a good witness' to them.Truly excellent posts, Rob and John. Thanks for teaching me. I am very thankful."

Wow. Thanks, Theresa. You said a mouthful Or blogged a blogful. Or something.
