No bowl of pottage, thank you

No altar call, no contemporary music about me and my feelings for Jesus, no Law-ridden harangue "challenging" us to be what in our fallenness we can never be in ourselves, no rationalistic "memorial meal," and certainly no Wookie suit will ever serve in the place of what one old saint remembered despite the ravages of dementia, and what fortified her and filled her with joy and hope in the face of death itself.

Thanks, Sceleratissimus Lutheranus, for reminding us how gracious our Savior is, how much wiser and mightier than all human cleverness, salesmanship, showmanship, and manipulation are the simple words, "This is My body....This is My blood-" and what a truly priceless gift we have in the Church's liturgy.

Thanks, too, to Lisa for bringing that post to my attention!


worthywoman said…
I passed that article around... the Gospel is offensive and people are offended that God would work through bread and wine.

I don't know why I even tried to confers with these people
KTK said…
Nice post!
Yes, Lisa- and I should have credited you for it. I found it because of your
post on the Texas Confessional Lutherans list!

And thanks, right winger!