Germans to open super-brothel for World Cup

We're used to mourning what became of the land of Luther during the 'Thirties, and wondering how it could have happened.

The present gives us plenty to wonder about, too.

Germany has a thriving sex industry, which is socially accepted to the point where, as I reported some time ago, a woman was threatened with the loss of her unemployment benefits because she declined an offer to work as a prostitute. I don't know how that story turned out, but the situation could only arise in a very sick culture.

ADDENDUM: This story, as it turns out, is an urban legend. No such incident ever occured.


Eric Phillips said…
Bob, that story about the job office trying to force someone into prostitution was apparently false:

and see the comments in
Eric, thanks for the tip-off. A retraction is about to be written.
Lest there be any confusion, the retraction is for the statement about the lady on umemployment facing pressure to become a prostitute.

The story about the soccer brothel stands. Unfortunately.

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