Hi, Kids! It's Mickey! YAYYYYY!

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Here's a series of pictures of newly-discovered Planet 'Mickey' and its moon (Minnie? Goofy? Donald? Haven't decided yet) moving against the background of the stars.

The new planet orbits the sun at an estimated distance more than three times that of the next-farthest solar planet, Pluto.

I've seen all of the other nine planets (assuming that you're not one of those who wants to demote Pluto to the status of a mere Kuiper Belt Object), though Pluto is visible only as a star in a decent-sized telescope. Pluto's moon, Charon, of course, is impossible to see with anything less powerful than the Hubble. But I'm really going to have to save up for a couple of millennia years to get a telescope capable of giving me a glimpse of this one.


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