Two out of three from the Cardinals!

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Did you notice, Bunny?

Great series, though. Either team could have won any of them. Perhaps some time this year we'll even get a chance to see the Cubs and Cards go at it when both of them are healthy.


If only we were in the AL, and could use Nomar as the DL!

Actually, Cedeno will probably be our shortstop next year. If and when we're out of the playoff hunt, I would hope that he'll get the majority of the starts- though knowing Dusty's love affair with veterans, it's doubtful.

Neifi has played 'way over his head. You could have made a case for him for the All-Star Team (especially given the dubious choice the fans actually made). But he's tailed off of late. On one hand, I'm glad to see a return to what we've seen most of the year. On the other, I wouldn't want to outright Nomar right away. Next year is soon enough
to dump his salary! ;)

I've heard rumors that Kerry will move permanently to the bullpen upon his return. It could be that he just doesn't have the stamina to take a 162-game season as a starter.
And no, to allay Webcritter's fears- I certainly do not believe in the designated hitter abomination!

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