"...Whoever despises a single word of God does not regard any as important" --Martin Luther
Thanks to Pastor Paul McCain for this excellent paper on Luther's attitude toward Scripture, written by the sainted Dr. Robert Preus.
At a time when even many who describe themselves as Lutherans reject the authority of Scripture, either outright or by suggesting that it is "unclear" (the paper contains a section on Luther's emphatic rejection of that suggestion), it's good to be reminded of what the great Reformer taught on the subject.
At a time when even many who describe themselves as Lutherans reject the authority of Scripture, either outright or by suggesting that it is "unclear" (the paper contains a section on Luther's emphatic rejection of that suggestion), it's good to be reminded of what the great Reformer taught on the subject.
On the other hand, if Scripture isn't a trustworthy source of authority, what is? "Popes and councils, which have often erred and contradicted each other?" Politically correct ELCA bishops? Somebody's Ouija board?