"...Whoever despises a single word of God does not regard any as important" --Martin Luther

Thanks to Pastor Paul McCain for this excellent paper on Luther's attitude toward Scripture, written by the sainted Dr. Robert Preus.

At a time when even many who describe themselves as Lutherans reject the authority of Scripture, either outright or by suggesting that it is "unclear" (the paper contains a section on Luther's emphatic rejection of that suggestion), it's good to be reminded of what the great Reformer taught on the subject.


In fairness, it can get goofy in the opposite direction, too, mistaking inerrancy for some kind of photocopying. You can almost see where people like your bishop get it.

On the other hand, if Scripture isn't a trustworthy source of authority, what is? "Popes and councils, which have often erred and contradicted each other?" Politically correct ELCA bishops? Somebody's Ouija board?

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