The "gospel" of nihilism

The Rev. Dr. Phillip Turner, former Dean of Yale Divinity School, offers this critique of the shallow, vacuous "theology" (if it can be called that) of the Episcopal church- which can offer significant insights in to the equally shallow and vacuous "theology" of the ***A.

It is no accident that the two groups are in full communion. During the debate on that arrangement, someone on the "Lutheran" side described it as being akin to "making love to a corpse."

The problem is that the analogy fails when both partners are corpses.

An aside: perhaps we have coined a term here, a way of conveniently describing such outfits. On one hand, there are "church bodies." On the other, there are "church corpses."

Speaking of coining terms, it was while I was still a TALC seminarian- beset on every side with that euphemistic noun "inclusivity-" that I invented the verb, "to incluse." In the unlikely event that it is ever adopted by the dictionary, the definition will be something like: "To abandon everything one believes and to jettison all content from one's thought and practice for the sake of being nice to everybody, all the time, about everything. "

Example: "Gee, Pol Pot. You sure did a swell job of killing all the people in Cambodia who wore glasses or didn't have callouses on their hands!. Please- despite your impenitence and your atheism- approach the altar and share our 'family meal' of bread and wine!," he inclused.
