My heart's just not in it

I just spent several hours working on what was going to be my entry in this week's Lutheran Carnival. The fruits of my labors- which ended up approximating book length, and would be unusable for that reason alone- can be found by anyone interested here.

It was supposed to be a response to an ELCA blogger who asked some questions about the nature of confessional subscription in last week's Carnival. Unfortuately, I just visited his site- and found some musings on how it ought to be possible for Reconciled in Christ people (those who belong to an organization promoting the acceptance of unrepentant gays and lesbians at the Table and in all aspects of the Church's life) and WordAlone people (mostly Pietists, I grant, but folks who at least seek to uphold the authority of Scripture) to co-exist in the same congregation.

In the face of an understanding of the nature of church fellowship and of the relationship between Law and Gospel that utterly alien to the Confessions on any level, I just don't have the heart to get into it with him. I'll submit something else instead. I'll leave the page linked to above up for a few days- certainly no longer- in case anyone is interested.
