Prayer and common sense

Here's an excellent post from Living Among the Mysteries on the role of prayer in decision-making. As the author points out, God does not speak to us in prayer; He speaks to us in His Word. He lets us make our own decisions.

Praying may help us clarify our thoughts, and I have no doubt that God assists us in doing so when we pray for His guidance. But beyond the Word, I believe that the information from Him which we should seek in making decisions comes simply from the way in which He has ordered reality. Sometimes He opens and closes doors; sometimes He uses events in more subtle ways to clarify His will for us. But ultimately, the choice is ours- and He really doesn't care what make of car we buy!

Prayerfully making the best decisions we can, and trusting Romans 8:28 in case we make a mistake, is one thing. Seeking to avoid responsibility for our own decisions by placing it on God is quite another.

Hat-tip: Be Strong in the Grace
