Democratic hypocrisy on Iraq

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Bill Clinton
- in full partisan mode- now says the invasion of Iraq was a "big mistake." Of course, his analysis of the situation was very different when he was president.

For Clinton, there was no "axis of evil," though. It was an "unholy axis." And speaking of an "unholy axis," in his change of positions on Iraq he has a great deal of company among other, equally partisan and equally hypocritcal Democrats in Congress.

I guess the Democrats are hoping the American people have short memories about their own position on Saddam when it was their call- a position pretty much identical to that of President Bush, but one which they simply lacked the guts to impliment.

Mr. Bush's analysis is right on the money: the critics of his Iraq policy are largely hypocrites who are trying to blame him and his administration for policies they themselves supported earlier!

Of course, don't expect the media to point this out.

One medium did: Drudge.
