Is green in the eye of the beholder?

When I was in kindergarten and learning my colors, I remember having the psuedo-profound thought, "What if what I see when I look at 'green' isn't the same as what other people see? In fact, what if everybody sees something different when they look at each of the colors?"

Turns out that it maybe they do!


Anonymous said…
This subject is near and dear to my heart, because I'm color-blind. At least, the world THINKS I'm color-blind. I have always maintained that I see the colors correctly and everyone else is screwed up.

Actually, when you think about it, it's quite possible that what one person sees as a "blue" sky is actually your orange. The thing about color-blind people is not that we see different colors, but that our colors "run together" so at the edges, it's harder to distinguish one from another, I think.