I think maybe now I get it

Maybe Vladimir Putin isn't nuts after all.

If Russia supplies Iran with enriched uranium for its nuclear plant, and they don't produce their own... no Iranian bomb. I think maybe that was Putin's logic, anyway.

Trouble is, once they have the plant operating, there's no reason why they can't enrich their own- and besides, they're making no bones about their intention of doing precisely that in any case.

HT: Drudge


Anonymous said…
Clearly the comments were taken away at the orders of George Bush, its all his fault ya know!

Nice blog, I just stumbled across it today.
Anonymous said…

Must have been the case. How could I have missed it? After all, one of those entries cited the attack on Mecca by Abrams tanks Bush ordered back in the Seventh Century, which got the Muslims mad at us in the first place. The Administration is desperately trying to cover this up- along with its responsibility for the Black Plague, the sack of Rome, the assassination of Julius Caesar (Brutus was a CIA plant), the eruption of Vesuvius which buried Pompei, the conviction of Galileo, the Children's Crusade, the burning of Joan of Arc, and the last Ice Age (Bush denied the existence of global cooling), to name but a few of the black spots on this administration's record.

You can look it up!