Oh, Canada!

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Poor Stephen Harper! (For uninitiated Americans, Harper is the leader of Canada's Conservative Party- and hopefully, in a few months, its new Prime Minister).

It seems that the CBC has every bit as much of a left-wing bias as our American media have. Except that I don't think I've ever encoutered an example of George W. Bush being submitted to quite this sort of thing- at least by the "mainstream" media!

Close, on occasion. But not quite.

This, of course, is the country under whose present Liberal government it is legal for two men or two women to marry one another. Lest Prime Minister Paul Martin be thought a radical, however, it should be made clear that it is not legal in Canada for either men or women to marry outside their own species, or to marry inanimate objects.



Anonymous saidā€¦
It is truly sad here in Canada. Did you hear about the recent legalization of swingers clubs in Canada.
I guess it is no suprise as the flood gates of decency have already been opened with same sex marriage. Hey, we can't infringe on peoples "rights".
Anonymous saidā€¦
And we think it's crazy down here. From everything I'd ever heard, known, or experienced about Canada, I would have thought that you guys would be the more socially level-headed of our two societies. Not that we're far behind, I'm sorry to say.

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