Well, it's happened

Amid all the agitation among the culturally and morally rootless for legalized "marriage" between members of the same gender (and in Holland, any number of members of either gender), social conservatives have been warning that the result would be this.

Well, it's happened.

Ok, so it's not legal. But given the logic behind the other trendy perversions of marriage, how long can that remain true in cases such as this one? Not long ago, they were illegal, too- and just as unthinkable.

Gay and plural "marriage" amount, not to the expansion of legal rights in new directions, but to the effective abolition of society's most basic institution. The bottom line is that the story to which this post links is no more absurd or perverse than the concept of a man "marrying" another man, or a woman marrying another woman- or a group of people of mixed gender somehow "marrying" each other.

None of them are marriage.

HT: Rev. Mike Zamzow


Anonymous said…
I know that conservatives like to think that Sharon Tendler's wedding somehow proves that gay marriage really will lead to marriage with animals, but it just ain't so. Please see my article Married Dolphins: The Next Right-Wing Bogeyman to learn why.
No, it will merely lead to marriage generally becoming what "lifetime partnership" generally is in the gay community: non-exclusive and unstable.

Gay marriage is no more "marriage" than marriage to animals or inanimate objects.

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