Gay cowboys win four Golden Globes

I wonder whether it's because "Brokeback Mountain" is actually such a good movie, or whether it's because it's the politically correct flavor of the month.

I admittedly have neither seen this film, nor plan to. But I must confess some skepticism as to whether its theme or its merits are more the cause of its critical acclaim- and my regret that our culture is at a place where the question arises so naturally and automatically.


Anonymous said…
It absolutely has to do with the left wing agenda being pushed down the throat of America by the hollywood elite.
Anonymous said…
I was talking about this movie with a friend today and he told me that the movie ends with their deaths. I find it interesting that the last really big gay epic was "Boys Don't Cry" which also end with the death of the main character. When is Matthew Shepherd the movie going to come out? Obviously it is very sad when people motivated by hatred, rather than the love which the Gospel inspires resort to such actions. But, it is also interesting that this is how the homosexual community means to present itself to the world, that is, as a repressed minority. Being that the Shepherd incident involved a relatively uncommon event and homosexuals as a group actual make more money and are better educated than straight people, how then can they really be thought of an oppressed minority? What it really seems like to me is a form of distorted self-presentation.