Moral idiocy

That's the only way I can think of to describe this statement from Harry Belafonte- a man whose hate-filled, irrational ravings simply do not merit further attention here, or anywhere else.

Is it really the case that he can't see a moral difference between what Al Quaeda did on 9/11 and the liberation of Iraq? There are few people outside of penal and custodial institutions whose lack of a moral compass results in their becoming that ethically disoriented.

From now on She About Whom I Refuse to Blog has been joined by He About Whom I Refuse To Blog as the only two people on Earth whose irrational, ego-driven ravings receive attention so utterly undeserved that I just refuse to give them any myself.

HT: Drudge


Anonymous saidā€¦
Something about those calypso singers......

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