Study claims Bush supporters are racists

It is no surprise that this piece of garbage masquerading as a scientific study was done. It is less of a surprise that it reached the conclusions it did. It is no surprise at all that the Washington Post would publish it.

What would be a surprise is if anybody other than the most rabidly partisan Democrats pretended to take it seriously.

Another example of the compulsion of the Left to argue that those who disagree with it are not merely mistaken, or even stupid, but positively evil.

And, of course, of either left wing social scientists to ignore their own biases in constructing political broadsides in the guise of scientific studies, or of left wing journalists to attempt to suggest that such special pleading on the part of their fellow idealogues deserves any particular notice, much less credence.

HT: Drudge


Anonymous said…
I'm sure a study could be concocted to show that the authors sub-consciously came to their conclusions first and then worked backward to prove them. Since psychology is a pseudo-science ,I guess you could call the study "junk pseudo-science".
Well, I don't agree that psychology is in any sense a pseudo-science. But I do agree with the junk part.