"Boston Legal's" straw man of the week

ABC's "Boston Legal" handed out its weekly dose of socially Leftist propaganda tonight.

The message this time: Catholic hospitals have no right to refrain from violating Catholic teaching by not administering emergency birth control to rape victims. In support of this view, Candice Bergen cited the Third Commandment as evidence that a doctor who works on Sunday doesn't interpret the Bible "literally-" and so Catholic teaching shouldn't be interpreted "literally," either.

No mention of Colossians 2:16, of course. Or Galatians 4:10-11 . No indication that the Christian Scriptures do not regard the Old Testament Sabbath as binding, or that there is no biblical basis whatsoever for the notion that the Sabbath was ever transferred to Sunday.

The outcome: Pro-life rape victim has an abortion, because "she has no choice." "It's always been about power," Candice smugly observes.

No, Candace. It's always been about license. That, and dishonest arguments on behalf of license- and in favor of trashing religious freedom.


Anonymous said…
The last thing any Hollywood depiction of Christianity ever needs is any knowledge of Christianity. It does well enough, thank you very much, operating from conventional wisdom and just plain bias.
I also 'just love' what they pass off as courageous and groundbreaking. As if talking amongst themselves were furthering a position.
Odd thing is, it seems to work.
Come Lord Jesus.
Amen. Even so- come, Lord Jesus!