Nestingen retires

And now, the zanies run rampant at Luther Seminary.

HT: Rev. Mike Zamzow


Anonymous said…
I attended Luther Seminary and had Dr. Nestigan as a prof. in Lutheran Confessions. I don't think that this means that the lonnies will run the seminary. There are a number of confessional theologians, such as Mary Jane Haemig, Steven Paulson . . . well, maybe you have a point. Anyways, I don't understand the official explanation per se. It says something like he wasn't getting along with other members of the staff. This might have something to do his hardline stance on the gay issue. He had something of tendency of expressing himself on this issue in a less nuanced manner than I might. I know he angered Terry Freitheim who was on the board that found in favor of gay marriage and ordination. Freitheim believed in process theology and tried to argue that God in the OT never actual sends judgment on anyone, he simply announces the natural consequneces of their behavior. The plagues of Egypt were, according to him, evironmental degredation. I will certainly miss him a great deal. I am beginning to think that this is yet another sign that the last remnants confessionalism are being pushed out of the ELCA and that I better jump ship soon. But you would say that happened a long time ago, wouldn't you?
Yeah, Jack. I would.