This much needs to be said

Denmark isn't to blame for the cartoon fiasco.

Thoughtless Danish cartoonists and and a childish Danish publisher are to blame.

ADDENDUM: Without, of course, in any way diminishing the responsibility of the rioters themselves.


I respectfully disagree. Thoughtlessness and childishness are not capital crimes. In a free society, they are unavoidable. The rioters are 100% to blame for the riots. They are responsible for their actions. Death threats. Burning embassies. Murder. In fact, the people doing these things are merely following the pattern of Mohommed himself. He was a violent pedophile who started wars and started a hatefilled religion that has been attacking innocents with the sword since its inception.

I'm not saying the Danish cartoons are justified. But the "blame" should be placed on those who perpetrate the crimes.
Robert Elart Waters saidā€¦
While agreeing with you- absolutely- that the responsibility for the behavior of the rioters lies with the rioters- there is simply no way to avoid the point that their behavior was predictable in view of the provocation.

Whether the provocation was in any way a justification for their behavior- of course it wasn't- is not the point. The point is that in publishing those cartoons, knowing in advance the likely response, (and with no other intention but to knowingly provoke crazy, homocidal people in a fashion which, at law, would constitute criminal negligence at the very least), the publisher and the cartoonists most certainly did earn themselves their share of guilt. There is simply no way to avoid it

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