Bring it on!

At least there are a few smart Democrats.

Lots of moonbats in that party, though.

Yes, Saddam did have those WMD's. He admitted having them. He was required by seventeen UN Security Council resolutions to destroy them under UN supervision. He was required by the peace treaty that ended the first Gulf War to do the same thing.

He hemmed, he hawed. He shaked, he baked. He even kicked the inspectors out of the country once for an extended period. Those inspectors, BTW, never had a brief from the UN to go searching for WMD and to satisfy themselves that Saddam didn't have them anymore. Their brief was to supervise their destruction.

Never happened.

The case that Saddam had an active and threatening WMD program at the time of the Iraq invasion is a strong enough one that it is simply not possible for any honest and informed person to account for our failure to find more of them (and yes, we have found WMD's in Iraq!) by whining that "BUSH L-I-I-E-E-D!" Lest we forget, the case he laid out on the WMD issue before Congress in his 2003 State of the Union addresswas compelling enough that any president who had not taken action would have deserved impeachment:

Twelve years ago, Saddam Hussein faced the prospect of being the last casualty in a war he had started and lost. To spare himself, he agreed to disarm of all weapons of mass destruction.

For the next 12 years, he systematically violated that agreement. He pursued chemical, biological and nuclear weapons even while inspectors were in his country.

Nothing to date has restrained him from his pursuit of these weapons: not economic sanctions, not isolation from the civilized world, not even cruise missile strikes on his military facilities.

Almost three months ago, the United Nations Security Council gave Saddam Hussein his final chance to disarm. He has shown instead utter contempt for the United Nations and for the opinion of the world.

The 108 U.N. inspectors were sent to conduct -- were not sent to conduct a scavenger hunt for hidden materials across a country the size of California. The job of the inspectors is to verify that Iraq's regime is disarming.

It is up to Iraq to show exactly where it is hiding its banned weapons, lay those weapons out for the world to see and destroy them as directed. Nothing like this has happened.

The United Nations concluded in 1999 that Saddam Hussein had biological weapons materials sufficient to produce over 25,000 liters of anthrax; enough doses to kill several million people. He hasn't accounted for that material. He has given no evidence that he has destroyed it.

The United Nations concluded that Saddam Hussein had materials sufficient to produce more than 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin; enough to subject millions of people to death by respiratory failure. He hasn't accounted for that material. He's given no evidence that he has destroyed it.

Our intelligence officials estimate that Saddam Hussein had the materials to produce as much as 500 tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent. In such quantities, these chemical agents could also kill untold thousands. He's not accounted for these materials. He has given no evidence that he has destroyed them.

U.S. intelligence indicates that Saddam Hussein had upwards of 30,000 munitions capable of delivering chemical agents. Inspectors recently turned up 16 of them, despite Iraq's recent declaration denying their existence. Saddam Hussein has not accounted for the remaining 29,984 of these prohibited munitions. He has given no evidence that he has destroyed them.

From three Iraqi defectors we know that Iraq, in the late 1990s, had several mobile biological weapons labs. These are designed to produce germ warfare agents and can be moved from place to a place to evade inspectors. Saddam Hussein has not disclosed these facilities. He has given no evidence that he has destroyed them.

Saddam was not required by the terms of the 1991 armistace to give evidence that he has destroyed them. He was not required to allow gullible folks like Hans Blix to conduct "a scavenger hunt in a country the size of California."

He was required to destroy them under UN supervision. And he didn't.

The President has long since admitted that he acted on the basis of faulty positive intelligence. But the negative intelligence- Saddam's failure to live up to that peace treaty, or those seventeen resolutions- was all the evidence a reasonable person could, at the time, have required. And he pointed out that, contrary to myth, the WMD's were far from the only reason given for the invasion at the time- and the other reasons closely paralleled President Clinton's reasons for going to war in Kosovo. Those captured Iraqi documents make it clearer and clearer that Saddam's regime (which had once undertaken the assassination of the President of the United States (the incumbent's father- itself, by all international law and tradition, a causus belli) was a threat to our security any way you look at it.

Or any way you honestly look at it, anyway. The problem is that the President's critics don't look at it honestly. But the fact remains that even if the President had been wrong about everything he said was true, it would only be malice that could interpret his arguments as deliberate lies. Anyone who tries to make the case to the contrary effectively confesses to being an irresponsible, foaming-at-the-mouth partisan motivated by simple malice.

Which is why I'm glad to hear the impeachment talk from the moonbat Left, and why I hope it goes forward. I don't think most Democrats yet realize the degree to which their ugly, over-the-top, paranoid and obsessive hate contributed to the President's re-election. Americans want grown-ups running the country, and the Democrats haven't qualified for about six years.

The more the hate and the bile prevails among the Democrats, the more the Republicans will prevail at the polls. It's been that way ever since the Supreme Court stopped the Democrats from stealing Florida and the White House with that fraudulent recount back in 2000- and it will continue to be that way, until the Democrats grow up.


Eric Phillips said…

Yeah, there's no question in my mind that the best mobilizing factor Bush had going for him in 2004 was the naked irrational hatred so many of his detractors evidenced.