TIME: The sky is falling!

Or rather, "The icecaps are melting!"

Several years ago, the publisher of TIME said in so many words that envirnomental issues were too important for the magazine to even attempt objectivity.

He deserves credit for his honesty. Not many in the Left-leaning media have been nearly so honest about their biases- even with themselves. But even so, after that statement- and given TIME's track record since- how can it expect anyone to take what it publishes on the subject seriously?

Current global temperature trends are well within historic cyclical parameters. And since TIME has long since ceased even pretend to be a purveyor of unbiased scientific information on environmental matters, it might be well to look elsewhere for one's information on the topic.

This will give you some perspective on the whole matter of natural vs. anthropogenic origins for greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere.

It's a place to start, anyway.

HT: Drudge


RC said…
Interesting, I had never heard that quote on the time's enviornental non-objectivity, thanks for sharing!

--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com