As if this were news

The Daily Mail reports indignantly that babies in Britain are being aborted for minor, treatable birth defects.

Hello! Only two percent of abortions performed in the United States are performed because of rape, incest, a threat to the life of the mother, or gross fetal abnormalities incompatible with life.

Nearly all abortions are performed either as birth control or for reasons as trivial as reported by this story. That's what makes the euphemistic term "choice" so chilling. And while large majorities support an abstraction called Roe v. Wade, in poll after poll, similar majorities oppose the legality of abortion for the reasons for which nearly all abortions are, in fact, performed.

HT: Drudge


Anonymous said…
Bonus shock, however, to that British report, if true, are the efforts of doctors to convince pregnant women to abort. From what I've read, British medicine is an abomination. Ours--ethics-wise, at least--is not far behind. Our technological acumen rises as our values sink.