The politics of immigration in a nutshell

Dick Morris sums it all up in an interview with Newsmax:

"'By moving away from English-only policies and reaching out to Hispanics, Bush has closed the gap among Latino voters. Gore carried them by 30 points, but Kerry only won among them by 10. But the border backlash may be undoing all this good work.

'The obvious answer is to couple a fence with a good guest-worker program, with a citizenship track predicated on good behavior.”

Morris further advised at the time that if the Republican Party allows the enforcement-heavy House bill to become law - a fence with no guest-worker program - it will antagonize the vital Latino vote and the GOP would consign itself to permanent minority status."

The clueless element of the American Right thinks that this is somehow only bad news for something called the Republican Party. Hopefully, they will wake up from their hookah dream of a right-wing third party, and recognize that the fate of the Republican Party is inseperable from the fate of American conservatism.

Without the Republican Party, the Right instantly becomes utterly and permanently irrelevant.
