Well said, Anchoress!

While I don't generally approve of women preachers on scriptural grounds, The Anchoress preaches the Law quite effectively to American conservatives on the subject of George W. Bush!

This and this is what I've been trying to get across ever since right-wing anti-Bush nonsense first got started!

I continue to be encouraged by the fact that so many on the Right have reacted to the President's speech with common sense and a salutary appreciation of the complexity of a situation which simply does not admit of emotionally satisfying, nuke'-em-all-and- let-God- sort-'em-out self-indulgence masquerading as a solution.

Oh, and Hugh Hewitt is cool with the speech again, having confirmed with the White House that the President supports "robust fencing" in urban areas along the U.S.- Mexico border. And even Hillary has signed on to the idea!

Maybe there's some hope for the Right on this issue after all.
